Level Descriptions


Recommended dance experience: None

Beginner classes are for students who have never taken a dance class before, or those who have very little dance experience. If you are interested in trying a dance style for the first time or have no previous dance experience, this level is for you!


Recommended dance experience: 2+ years of training and/or 1+ years of experience with the chosen discipline

This level is for dancers who have some dance experience and have taken dance classes in the past. Students who feel that they have mastered basic technique and musicality and who are comfortable with more complex choreography in their chosen style should take intermediate classes.


Recommended dance experience: 4+ years of training and/or approximately 2+ years of experience with the chosen discipline

This level is for students who have several years of dance training and experience. Students who take pre-advanced classes should be comfortable challenging themselves and expanding their dance knowledge through more difficult and intricate choreography. Pre-Advanced dancers will be challenged to discover themselves stylistically and to learn more about their individual movement quality.


Required dance experience: 6+ years of training and/or approximately 4+ years of experience with the chosen discipline

This level is for dancers who have extensive dance training and experience. Students who take advanced classes should have a strong technical base and be able to pick up complex choreography quickly. Advanced dancers will be challenged to enhance their individual style, and improve their performance quality, improvisation skills, ability to execute intricate choreography, and teamwork.



Welcome to beginner ballet! This class is designed for those with little experience in the discipline. This semester we will work through the fundamental positions and movements. You will learn how to enhance expression and individuality in your ballet performances in preparation for the end-of-semester recital.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://youtu.be/L16QmfakXC4?si=6vvImUrIxu1s8Hnp


In Pre-Advanced Ballet, dancers will work on refining their technical foundations, improving strength/flexibility, and showcasing more complex choreography. Each semester will highlight an end-of-term routine for the recital; the piece will include steps of a similar calibre to entrechats, chaînés, and pirouettes. Students with 4+ years of dancing experience or 2+ years of ballet experience are recommended for this class. In addition to standard barre and centre work, dancers will learn about various ballet genres. Examples include Polonaise and Mazurka styles, both are character dances commonly found in, Swan Lake, Coppelia, and Sleeping Beauty.

Advanced (with pointe)

Embrace your inner prima! Pre Advanced/Advanced ballet will be an opportunity to focus on fine tuning your ballet technique rather than learning new steps. You’ll get to perform a piece of challenging group choreography at our mid-year and end of year recital. Dancers with 6+ years of dance experience or competitive/ballet intensive training will succeed in this class. There may be an opportunity for pointe work, but not required.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWXk2sYGbaM&list=PLY9vvS2bMi1vuzzzqk7ITSbn0Y5wyNhmT&index=11

Ballet Technique

In this class, dancers will have the opportunity to refine their ballet technique weekly through a modifiable repertoire that is open to all levels. Class will open with a traditional ballet barre, followed by exercises based in adage, pirouettes, petite and grand allegro. Dancers are encouraged to have a robust understanding of ballet terminology and movements so that they are able to pick up center and across-the-floor exercises with ease. Furthermore, once a month, students will learn classical variations in class (there is no recital for this class). As an opportunity to enhance performance skills within the classroom setting, students will practice excerpts from famous ballets such as Giselle, Sleeping Beauty and Coppelia. Dancers will be pushed to fine-tune their technique and style on an individual basis. It is recommended to have an understanding of the technical rules of ballet and the ability to pick up choreography before joining. This class is recommended for all dancers who have a passion for ballet and seek to improve their technique and performance quality in a low-stakes and fun setting.



As the “Beginner” in the name implies, this class is a great place to start or get reacquainted after a long break from dance—no previous dance experience is required to take this class! It is taught at a slower pace, so anyone can follow along comfortably. Dancers will learn and refine basic jazz technique and students can expect to do moves like chasses, chaines, and jetes among others. Intermediate-level dancers will also find their place in this class as many exercises will be modifiable to include more difficult steps like axels and jack jumps. Classes will begin with a full body warmup, then may contain activities such as practicing dance moves across the floor, learning dance combinations, or practicing for the performance at the end of each semester.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVvNVumqBYo&list=PLY9vvS2bMi1vuzzzqk7ITSbn0Y5wyNhmT&index=19


In pre-advanced jazz, dancers can expect a high focus on dynamics and movement quality, with the use and practice of foundational jazz technique. This will be explored in recital choreography throughout the semester, with occasional technique practice through across-the-floor exercises and centre work. At the pre-advanced level dancers should have foundational jazz technique, as we work towards developing strong musicality and personal style. Technical skills you may see in this class: double pirouette (parallel), grand jeté, kicks/grand battements (front & side), counting music and fast choreography. Things we hope you takeaway from this class are stronger dynamics, growth in technique, and a fun experience! Pre-advanced jazz is recommended to dancers with 4+ years of previous dance training and/or 2+ years of experience in the jazz discipline. This class will have a recital dance.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_amuY11EwQ&list=PLY9vvS2bMi1vuzzzqk7ITSbn0Y5wyNhmT&index=15


In this class, dancers will get the opportunity to explore the different genres of jazz dance through across-the-floor and center combinations, as well as through the choreography of their recital routine. Catered to an advanced level, dancers will be pushed to use their technical dance foundation/ability to better understand and improve their individual style/movement quality, transitioning from young dance students to mature adult dancers. Some skills that would be helpful to have mastered before joining the class are: double pirouettes (parallel), grand jetés, kicks/grand battements (front & side), counting music & quickly picking up choreography. Dancers should expect an upbeat class environment, with lots of technical elements, and clean lines! This class is recommended for dancers with 6+ years of previous dance training and/or approximately 4 years of experience with the jazz discipline. This class will have a recital dance.

End of Year 2024 Routine 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-epNVBhL44&list=PLY9vvS2bMi1vuzzzqk7ITSbn0Y5wyNhmT&index=1

End of Year 2024 Routine 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Goz--PrTwFk&list=PLY9vvS2bMi1vuzzzqk7ITSbn0Y5wyNhmT&index=2

Jazz Technique

In this class dancers will develop technical skills through jazz-based training. This class will focus on developing the fundamentals of leaps, turns, extensions, holds, and other common stylistic elements commonly used in Jazz dance classes. Through the semester students will be able to progress at their own pace with modifications being available to increase or decrease difficulty based on their previous experience in jazz training. This class is recommended for intermediate to advanced level dancers, and will not perform choreography in QDC recitals.



This class is meant for anyone from little to no tap experience. The class will be tailored to the students and modifications will be available so that everyone with different experiences can feel comfortable and challenged at own their level! The class will emphasize basic rhythm and collaborative tapping so that dancers can develop their skills while tapping together!

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8Pk-qUs58A&list=PLY9vvS2bMi1vuzzzqk7ITSbn0Y5wyNhmT&index=20


This year, QDC is so excited to add Pre-Advanced Tap to our classes! Pre-Advanced Tap aims to bridge the gap between our Beg/Int and Advanced tap classes. It will be perfect for those who may not have extensive tap experience, but have enough experience to dance above a beginner level (2-3+ years). Pre-Advanced will focus on introducing new tap technique and more complex rhythms. It will find creative ways to introduce choreography at a slower pace, and build difficulty as the semester progresses. Pre-Advanced Tap will have one dance each semester in both the Mid-Year and Year-End Recitals, can’t wait to see you there!


Elevate your tap technique, rhythmically, and creativity in pre-advanced/advanced tap! This class is suitable for tap dancers looking to work with complicated rhythms and time signatures. You will be introduced to several new tap steps and styles. Technical steps you should be able to do and/or learn include all variations of wings, pickups, shiggy bops, and more. Each semester works towards performances in two recitals.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1cCzMIvRhQ&list=PLY9vvS2bMi1vuzzzqk7ITSbn0Y5wyNhmT&index=14



The beginner hip hop class is an energetic and inclusive dance experience designed for those just starting their journey into hip-hop dance. This class requires no previous dance knowledge and students can expect to learn the fundamental techniques and movements that define hip-hop. You will be learning a different combo each week in order to build and work towards the recital at the end of the semester! The choreography will be broken down step by step, focusing on rhythm, coordination, and style. Whether you're a complete novice or have some dance experience, this class is a fun and supportive environment to groove, build confidence, and express yourself through the dynamic art of hip-hop dance!

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7c1rFSNUDo&list=PLY9vvS2bMi1vuzzzqk7ITSbn0Y5wyNhmT&index=22


In this class, dancers will have the opportunity to explore various styles of hip-hop while learning new moves, and building on pre-existing knowledge of common hip-hop steps, using them in centre combinations, as well as in the choreography of their recital routine. Dancers will be able to strengthen their skills while finding their own style and movement quality. Dancers should expect an exciting class environment, with groove sessions, and a whole lot of fun! This class is recommended for intermediate level dancers.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml5vzETW4DA


In this Pre-Advanced Hip-Hop class, aspiring dancers will delve into the world of hip-hop and its various styles, including techniques like tutting and more. Geared towards pre-advanced dancers, this class focuses on refining their foundational skills and developing a unique dance identity. Prior experience with skills such as intricate isolations, precise footwork, and rhythm comprehension is beneficial for prospective students. Be ready for a dynamic and energetic class that won't disappoint. This class is ideal for dancers who have 4+ years of dancing experience and/or have spent approximately 2 or more years cultivating their hip-hop dance skills and are looking to further develop their abilities while preparing for performances.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lB8h1CGNJrI&list=PLY9vvS2bMi1vuzzzqk7ITSbn0Y5wyNhmT&index=17


This class will incorporate a variety of hip hop styles, such as house, tutting, crumping, popping and locking, break dancing and more. It will focus on continuing to develop a dancer’s ability to pick up choreography, and ideally challenge Hip Hop dancers in different qualities of movement. This class requires a previous dance foundation and strong abilities to pick up more advanced choreography. This class aims to challenge a dancer’s musicality, stylistic expression, and previous knowledge surrounding the style of Hip Hop through a variety of combinations, working up to a recital dance at the end of the semester. Advanced Hip Hop is a high energy class where Hip Hop dancers can continue to practice and grow, alongside peers with a shared love for dance.

End of Year 2024 Routine 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfUUoJ6K2_c

End of Year 2024 Routine 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-Ir1asG0uk



In this class, dancers will get the opportunity to explore different genres. Intermediate lyrical is a class focused on building on previously learned elemental skills and working on personal style. Weekly classes will include a warm up, short across the floor and a combo. In the across the floor section we will work to learn movement sequences at a slower pace which will then carry through to that week's combo. This class is also heavily focused on creating a lyrical piece to perform at this term's recital. This level of lyrical is recommended for dancers with 1+ years of experience in this style who are looking to become more confident dancers.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he2A7wwWADo


Pre-advanced lyrical is for dancers who enjoy the technical aspects of jazz combined with the fluidity of ballet and the unique movement of contemporary. If you have some experience in competitive dance or feel up for a slight challenge from the intermediate level, pre-advanced lyrical is the class for you!

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7RApKiLG7k


This class is designed for intermediate to advanced dancers seeking to dive deeper into lyrical’s diverse dynamics and movement qualities while maintaining a strong technical foundation. A mature grasp of the style and discipline is expected and recommended, though competitive experience or extensive years of training are not requirements, with modifications made available always. This class will include challenging skills, such as jumps, turns, and extensions, and will also actively participate in QDC recitals! Overall, the year will focus on fostering personal growth in an encouraging environment where students are motivated to take technical, emotional and creative risks through advanced-level choreography.

End of Year 2024 Routine 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2L3uw1h3m4

End of Year 2024 Routine 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2fl-MbDr7w


Beginner contemporary/lyrical

Beginner Contemporary/Lyrical is a class made for dancers with little to no dance experience. By fusing these styles together, we will learn the foundations of technique and terminology, as well as finding musicality, and storytelling. We will learn steps and choreography at a slower pace, as the priority is to feel as comfortable and confident in your dancing as possible. Our time in the studio is completely judgement free, and we encourage dancers to try new things and most importantly, have a good time doing it!


This intermediate contemporary class is for students who are familiar with the dance studio, and have taken some dance classes in the past. This class is for students to try something new at a relaxing pace and explore the freedom and fluidity of contemporary dancing. It will be about gaining confidence in your movements and challenging yourself with little skill required.We will work towards a recital dance that will showcase this confidence and movement on stage!

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HvVuahttww


Pre-Advanced Contemporary is a movement-based class that caters to dancers of many different dance backgrounds and abilities. The skill level recommended for this class is approximately 4+ of dancing experience and/or 2+ of experience with the contemporary style. This class will be centred around self-expression paired with intricate choreography to create a recital piece to share at both the mid-year and end of year recitals.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xvgb3riTJc


In this class, dancers will have the opportunity to develop their contemporary movements through centre combinations, across-the-floor, improv, as well as through choreography of their recital routine. Catering to an advanced level, dancers will be pushed to improve and develop their personal style and movement quality, both with choreography and improvisation. Dancers should expect a welcoming environment with room for growth and development, exploring different textures and elements of contemporary! This class is recommended for dancers with 6 or more years of previous dance training and/or approximately 4 years of experience with contemporary dance.

End of Year 2024 Routine 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEPa9yUvUpc

End of Year 2024 Routine 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbvYsZ10pxQ


Beginner/Intermediate Diva Bootcamp

Dancers will get the opportunity to explore a blend of Jazz Funk, Hip Hop, and Commercial dance styles in this fun and upbeat class. There will be a focus on learning to perform with confidence, feeling empowered, and channeling your inner diva! Class structure will include a warm up and learning choreography to music from pop divas loved around the world. Dancers will learn about movement quality to different styles of music and work towards a dance performance in the QDC recitals. This class is recommended for dancers with no previous experience and/or dancers with a few years previous technical dance experience looking to learn a new style and broaden their performance capabilities.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SB4IMCZbQY

Pre-Advanced/Advanced Diva Bootcamp

This class is all about feeling empowered, confident, and fierce. In pre-adv./adv diva bootcamp, dancers are encouraged to learn challenging choreography with a significant focus on loving and expressing themselves. Dancers have the opportunity to learn different styles such as whacking, voguing, and strutting. The choreography taught in this class can also be done in heels if dancers feel comfortable doing so! Throughout the semester, students will progress at their own pace while learning these new skills, allowing their inner diva to shine! This class is recommended for pre-advanced and advanced dancers and will perform choreography at QDC recitals.

End of Year 2024 Routine 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etOQEdgTAUo

End of Year 2024 Routine 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kobv27jMJlY


Cardio Funk

The class will provide students with an opportunity to explore a variety of upbeat dance styles in the form of a cardio workout. It caters to students of any dance level, with no experience necessary. Throughout the term, the class will work towards a fun piece to perform at the recital!

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZGMVdGnDkk


Welcome to Swing! Swing dance comes from Harlem, New York with Afro-American roots, and was developed to swing music popular in the 1920s-40s. In this class we will focus on the rhythms and grooves that are signature to this style, with our goal being to encapsulate the 'feeling' of this style using musicality and lots of energy. This class is targeted to all levels of experience, and will encourage dancers to step outside of their comfort zone and move in groovy new ways! Partnering will be taught in this class, but dancers do not need to have a partner coming in. This class will work to a recital dance to showcase everything we learn!

Musical Theatre

If you love singing in the car with your friends, then this class is for you! QDC’s dance-focused Musical Theatre class will add elements of acting and singing into your dance repertoire, in true ‘triple threat’ fashion. This upbeat class will give students an opportunity to step outside their comfort zones and become their most creative, silly, and confident selves by dancing to popular show-tunes during class and in the QDC recital (don’t worry, we won’t ‘mic’ you!). Open to all dancers - no experience required!

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLaRHkj8W74


Advanced Choreography

Advanced Choreography is an opportunity for you to challenge yourself to try new versions of your favourite style of dance! This class is based around different fusion elements, and works to combine new and modern styles in ways that complement each other. Dancers in this class, while having an advanced skill set, will work with complex musicalities, unique interpretations of style and movement quality, and learn to embrace dance for exactly what it is - good vibes!! This class will work towards creating a recital dance, which will be based around jazz, contemporary, and hiphop fusion.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83ZU53wFkAM

Advanced Modern/contemporary movement

An opportunity for advanced dancers to explore contemporary/modern movement in a supportive space. Personal movement style and movement quality will be expanded through combinations and creativity exercises. The fundamental dynamics of contemporary and modern dance are used as tools in class. Musicality and how musical accents translate into movement is a main focus. A dance will be choreographed and performed at recitals.

End of Year 2024 Routine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6LNEhQzthY

Advanced Open

Advanced Open is a combination and choreography class that will feature contemporary and stylistic movement with a hip-hop influence. The choreography in this class will be inspired by the song we are dancing to as the goal will be to create a visual representation of what the music would look like should it appear on the human body. Precise and fast movement quality as well as intricate musicality are two areas we will explore and help dancers perfect throughout the semester.


Questions & Contact

Any questions regarding QDC classes, including registration, drop-dates and scheduling can be directed to our Operations Manager at operations@queensdanceclub.com.